12 thoughts on “Elsa and who?

  1. OH MY GOD. IS THIS REALLY HAPPENIG? ARE YOU REALLY MAKING A REAL LIFE JELSA VIDEO? *swoons* i am so psyched for this you have no idea!!! I LOVE Jelsa. I’ve drawn a ton of fan srt and written numerous fanfictions about them and wish i could do a cosplay video of them, especially for my multi-chapter fanfic. But this right now is just blowing my mind!!!!!! Can’t wait to see this video you guys:) oh and i adore your real life let it go video! Stay frosty and keep up the AMAZING work!

    1. Yep! Jack Frost and Elsa is really happening and we’re so excited about it. Thanks for the kind words!

  2. Wow thanks for replying to my vomment, I didn’t even knowXD but anyway, just a quick question; will this video be available on youtube? Because I wasn’t able to see it live and am still aching to watch it:)


    1. It’s coming! We are shooting for Wednesday August 19! So make sure to keep an eye out on our youtube channel!

  3. Oh my gosh I just saw the video on youtube and had to replay it several times before I calmed down enough from fangirling to let you guys know how incredibly AMAZING it was and that you better make more Jelsa videos in the future because you guys have the best effects I’ve ever seen and oh my god i just cant calme downXD so good you guys keep on creating!


    Professional lemonhead and Jelsa fanatic

    1. I think it’s stupid,but I do like the music video. What I mean is this couple attempt might not happen. Even though it is very pretty.

    2. I think it’s stupid,but I do like the music video. What I mean is this couple attempt might not happen.

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